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GLS 71

Reduplication: Diachrony and Productivity


Hurch, BernhardGrazThe Diachrony and Productivity of Reduplication - A Reprise.20091-2
Dhillon, RajdipYale Turkish Emphatic Reduplication: Balancing Productive and Lexicalized Forms.2009 3-20
Goodwin Gómez, GaleRhode IslandReduplication, Ideophones, and Onomatopoeic Repetition in the Yanomami Languages.200921-38
Haugen, Jason D.OberlinEnhancement and Diachrony in Reduplication.200939-58
Rhodes, Richard A.Berkeley VC Reduplication in Sayula Popoluca.200959-78
Shibasaki, ReijirouOkinawaSemantic Constraints on the Diachronic Productivity of Japanese Reduplication.200979-98
Stolz, ThomasBremenTotal reduplication: syndetic vs asyndetic patterns in Europe.200999-114
Vollmann, RalfGraz Reduplication in Tibetan.2009115-134
Yeh, Marie MeiliHsinchuCa-reduplication in Formosan Languages.2009135-156


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